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SIF Consultancy on Child Protection

Secours Islamique France
Consulting & Strategy

NGO, NPO & Charity
KSh Confidential

Job Summary
Applications are invited from qualified persons for the above consultancy opportunity.

Minimum Qualification:Bachelor
Experience Level:Mid level
Experience Length:5 years
Job Description/Requirements
Terms of Reference for the Child Protection Training Individual Consultancy

Project Title: Improving Access to Fundamental Rights for Orphaned Boys and girls in Kenya and Somalia
Organization: Secours Islamique France

About Secours Islamique France and the project

Founded in 1991, Secours Islamique France (SIF) is a Non-Governmental Organisation devoted to international solidarity, social and humanitarian causes in the fields of humanitarian assistance and development aid, both in France and around the world.

SIF started its operations in Kenya/Somalia mission in 2012 and it implements programmes in Education and Child Protection; Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL); Water, Hygiene & Sanitation (WASH); and Shelter and Settlements.

Currently SIF is implementing “Improving Access to Fundamental Rights for Orphaned Boys and Girls” project in Nairobi and Marsabit in Kenya and Kismayo in Somalia whose goal is ensuring realisation of fundamental rights for the most vulnerable orphaned boys and girls.

The goal will be achieved through achievement of the project’s two outcomes listed below;
• Ensuring access to quality education and learning for orphaned boys and girls
• Enhanced Protection and well-being of supported orphaned boys and girls

This is a child rights championing project that embraces the following approaches in its implementation.

Multi-stakeholder engagement-The project engages different stakeholders in its implementation including: National Government relevant departments, Other NGOs, Local Administration, Parents/caregivers and orphaned children. These stakeholders contribute directly in the attainment of the rights of children.

Child Safeguarding Strengthening and building protective environments in which programmes take place through careful risk management and designing programmes in a way that creates, or contributes to a safer environment for children has been integrated in the project.

Safe programming will lead to improved outcomes for children and increase the positive impact of our work. It is also about organizational integrity and accountability to children.

As SIF we endeavor to intervene in a manner that meets the rights of the children through our activities. We also provide a framework for children to participate in our work to ensure that we adapt based on their interests.

Entrenching Child Rights-The project has been designed through a child rights lens. The activities have been carefully assessed to ensure that they are child safe. Further, to amplify this approach, the planning and execution of these activities is done in accordance with our internal child safeguarding policy and country in-country specific legislations that support the attainment of the rights of children.

Fitting into national strategic plans-The project directly contributes to the attainment of National sector strategies in Kenya and Somalia, this includes child protection legislations that enhance promotion of the rights of children.

Evidence Based Programming-The project is designed based on assessments conducted by SIF to establish various needs for vulnerable children to inform activities.

Major project activities
• Sensitization sessions with communities on the rights of children.
• Provision of learning materials and school uniform subsidy to children.
• Life-skills training for children.
• School assessments.
• Monthly cash grants to meet the basic needs of beneficiary households.
• Home visits
• Advocacy with the Ministry of Education, School Heads, Teaching and Non- teaching staff
• Caregivers programmes


The objective(s) of the assignment are as follows;
• Assess the participant’s knowledge and skills on child protection/related topics
• Equip the staff with knowledge and skills to meet the child protection needs in the project.
• Development of internal modules for child protection training that will be adopted in the Kenya/Somalia mission. The modules should be contextual and meet international standards and in line with SIF’s child protection and education programme.

Scope and methodology

The scope of work under this assignment includes;
The consultant will be expected to adopt an inclusive methodology to undertake the training.

This training will target staff from both Kenya and Somalia constituting of social workers, child protection officers and select staff from other departments who are directly involved in the implementation of the child protection and education programme.
The team has different skill sets in terms child protection and they come from different cultures.

The entry points for the staff are also different thus it is recommended to embrace individual approach in delivering the training.
Conduct pre and post evaluations to establish benchmarks for onward measurement. This will aid in training outcome harvesting.

The following areas will be a focus however; they are non-exhaustive;
Prevention of abuse, needs identification including child abuse identification, case management/ action plan, psychosocial support, positive parenting support, referral and follow-up; legal frameworks for child protection in Kenya and Somalia)

SIF recommends use of mixed methodology in delivering the training including; Role plays, in training assessments and group work.

Expected Deliverables

The individual consultant to achieve the following outputs;
• Assess the needs and capacities of participants before the training to adapt its content
• Develop a training program
• Develop Child Protection training modules and their corresponding PowerPoint presentations
• Delivery of the training in English language
• Final training report detailing the process, final evaluation and recommendations
• A summary of the report in PowerPoint form

Duration of the work
This assignment is expected to be undertaken in the month of October 2022

Required Skills and Competencies
At the minimum, the consultant must possess the following:
• University degree or equivalent in Social work, Social Science, development studies or equivalent combination of relevant training and experience. A master’s degree in the relevant field is an added advantage.
• At least 5 years of experience in social work and child protection in Kenya and/or Somalia
• Work experience in an NGO is an asset Demonstrable good understanding of the Kenya and Somalia context particularly on matters related to child protection.
• Practical knowledge on development of comprehensive training modules particularly on child protection
• Practical application of cross cutting themes like gender mainstreaming, protection and advocacy.
• Excellent report writing

Application Procedure
• Submit a maximum 4-page technical proposal indicating their understanding of the assignment as well as the methodology they will employ in getting the assignment’s outputs. Include a timeline for the assignment in their technical response.
• An abstract of previous work done similar to the assignment.
• A financial proposal indicating the professional fee for effectively undertaking the assignment.
• Updated curriculum Vitae including three professional references

The submission should be shared at the address by the 2nd of October 8:00 pm containing the following subject: SIF Consultancy on Child Protection

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