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Our Rates for Professional CV Writing in Kenya

Our rates for Resume/CV writing in Kenya are very reasonable. Consultation for our clients is free, which is an excellent opportunity to discuss your goals and get our expert advice on how we can make your resume shine. We also offer discounts for bulk orders if you want us to write or update more than one Resume/CV at once. Reach out to us for further details!

You may wonder why there are so many different prices listed here. Every job application is unique, and what works best for one company might not suit another. The rates listed below are also based on years of experience.

ExperienceResumeCover Letter
0-1 years40002000
2- 3 years50002000
4- 5 years60003000
6-7 years80003000
8 + years100003000

How it Works

The process is simple:

  • Get in touch with us via or Phone no.+254713312119. Please send us an email with the subject Resume writing in Kenya.
  •  First, we discuss your qualifications and goals together to determine which package is right for you.
  • We look at your resume and find out what you want to do. Once we receive payment from clients, we research the company in question and draft a customized resume based on their requirements.
  • All payments are made securely through Mpesa via our Lipa Na Mpesa, Buy Goods and Services Option, Till No: 828592 (Expert selection). never stores financial information.

A quick note about our process – because of our guarantee, we ask for payment prior to beginning any project.

  • The client has 72hrs days to accept and request amendments to the final draft before sending it.
  • It usually takes 48 hours to finish each project, depending on how much editing is needed. We also guarantee to give 100% satisfaction or a complete refund!

Call us

+254 713 312 119 | Monday – Sunday



Bihi Towers, Harambee Avenue

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